Saturday, October 5, 2013

Come Together

Regardless of whether life imitates art or art imitates life, I know that my life is being influenced by this class.  For while I have always contemplated what I put into my body, I think the fact that I know I will be discussing these choices in theory (and not in an intimidating way as if I was in a Food-aholics Anonymous or WW groupie or some such micromanaging "help group") makes me truly consider making good choices.  This class has led to positive thought-processes and deeper contemplation.
And as Pollan provokes us to eat together, that is something that we Honors students especially push to the wayside.  Not necessarily to our detriment in physical health directly, but perhaps to our emotional distress and stress levels, which will ultimately influence our physical state.  There is something supremely beneficial in sharing food with a friend.  In the midst of insanity and commotion, a friend and I sat and brought our contributions to dinner (the caf was never a consideration), and I realized that this is one of the first meals I have eaten with someone when I didn't have to rush off to somewhere.  And as I reflected on the fact that sharing an avocado and yogurt (there may have been some Reese's Pieces involved in there someone, but even E.T. found those to be a bonding food) and sitting not at a table, but in a quiet place, was one of the healthiest choices one can make at this point in life.  So for all of our adages about flowers and tables - I think the truest rule we need, is that there aren't rules (other than hugs not drugs - thats a legitimate rule), there are merely choices that you need to make in the moment.  And sometimes, it is to eat alone in solace.  Other times, its to sit on a dorm bed piled with pillows and blankets eating some whole foods and some pop-culture foods and just relax.  And I suppose that is my ultimate rule, be reasonable, and do what you need - whether for your physical health, emotional health, mental health, or whatever health you necessitate!


  1. I succumbed to my emotional health tonight at dinner. I felt like :/ but my heart said :) ....obviously at this point in the weekend my brain has turned to mush.

    1. This is wonderful! Eating with friends is something that I love to do but I normally am rushed for time. I love that you were able to find the time to slow down and just enjoy a meal with a friend. It is most definitely a healthy option and something that I would like to work on in my own life. So, we should do this sometime!
