Monday, September 9, 2013

Is there really nothing good to eat?!

On a recent quest through the local Boiling Springs Ingles, a friend and I set out to see if "real food" could be found in this small locale.  While one of the "rules" indicated that "real food" shouldn't be packaged, but considering we could not include the outer circle of the store (which includes all dairy, produce, etc) - packaged food is all that remains.  So aside from conceding on packaging, we merely had to look for foods that had no additives, incomprehensible verbiage, and no health benefit claims.  
The images reveal what I consider to be the successes of this venture... 

Black beans!
The only ingredient is indeed, black beans!

Coconut Butter
While it does state that it is all natural, I don't believe that is a health benefit claim so much as it is a statement.  For the only ingredient was Coconut pulp.

Frozen Green Beans :)
This is one of the few foods that one might actually desire to eat without adding other food (ie: I wouldn't eat straight up coconut butter).  And I feel vindicated that frozen vegetables, a staple in my family, are truly just vegetables with no preservatives (other than the preserving nature of the flash-frozen process).

Unsweet (Baking) Chocolate
The only ingredient is cocoa!  

Baby Food!
Amazingly enough, these are actually what they are supposed to be!  How remarkable (ironic) that we are smart enough to feed babies pure food.
Each of these is just a food or a food plus water.
Sweet potatoes, green beans, peaches, pears, oranges, peas, etc!

As  you can see, food can be found amongst the processed, high-fructose corn syrup, packaged foods we deem so normal.  However, the fact that there this was practically a treasure hunt is disconcerting.  But probably not disconcerting enough to prevent me from buying my sugar-laden peanut butter on my next visit.  C'est la vie. 
Or if I truly want to know what I'm getting, I guess there is always baby food!  That stuff doesn't lie, and from the facial expressions of the babies eating the food, its not worth it!

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